Our final guest blog of the year is no guest at all but a wrap up of the year. This whole year has been about value adding to your inbox, and women supporting women. I get 1 or 2 Dads a year book a photo shoot so we are all mums around here. Every guest blogger this year has been a local small business woman (and mama, I think everyone has been a mama too!) and every post you’ve liked and shared has meant the world to all of us, I can assure you.

I want to end this on one last woman-to-woman note: Christmas.

(Feel free to skip ahead if you don’t celebrate Christmas or Hannukkah)

Who else has a bit of a love/hate relationship with Christmas?! It’s officially December now, which means we get to enjoy all the best parts of life, as well as some of the worst.

Christmas is wonderful, and also traditionally means loads of extra labour for women from writing present/shopping/cooking plans, to buying all that stuff, planning family events, cooking for those events, and then balancing the needs of everyone at the event itself, and so on and so forth.

Oh, and don’t forget magic! If you don’t make it magical you’re doing it wrong! Let this be my last little rant this year (lol maybe): Magic looks however you want.

Do Santa, or don’t. Have an elf or don’t. Do advent activities, or chuck it in the too-hard basket. Bake cookies or buy them. Say no to whatever you can, say yes to what you want too, and look after you! (I’m going to especially draw your attention to February guest blog where Dr Bri encourages us to look after our bodies.)

You’re allowed, nay deserve, to enjoy Christmas too. So if you need it, let this be your permission to do Christmas how it works for you and your kiddos.

Now, let’s wander through these blogs by all these amazing women, but first, I want to thank you for being here this year. Thanks for your little messages of encouragement and positive feedback on blogs; this project has meant so much to me, and sharing these other small businesses with my tiny audience has been a privilege and a pleasure. (and a lot of work, I won’t be doing it next year, haha! I have loved it though, 2025 anyone?!).



A Special Year of Guest Blogs


January – little old me!

As all good ADHDers do, I had a last minute brain wave half way through January that I wanted to do a guest blog series this year, and I quickly whipped up the first blog with my teacher hat on.
Check out all my top tips for going Back to School! (I’ll remind you in January, don’t worry.)



February – Chiropractor Dr Brianna

Dr Bri gives us 5 feel good stretches we can do to help us get through our busy day, and while I know December isn’t the time to form new habits, you will not regret checking Bri’s ideas out. Take 5 or 10 minutes for a little stretch and feel better for it; we’ll be joining you. If you need an amazing new chiropractor who is very holistic, Dr Brianna is for you.



March – Alyce from Cloth and Carry

An extra special double blog month! Alyce wrote for us about why ring slings are so super excellent, and we did a beautiful sunset splash sesh to go with it. I also wrote a blog for her, giving you my best tips for taking phone photos of the kiddos. So much goodness in March! Of course, because pisces rule 😉 If you need any babywearing help, carriers, or cloth nappies, check out Cloth and Carry.



April – Ali from Boris and Stasha

To mark those cooler evenings, Ali explained why we need to love our winter woollies, and how to properly take care of them. Take it from someone who’s ruined more than one woolly in their time: listen to her. If you’re yet to store your winter woollies away for the summer, we’ve gotcha covered right here. And if you’re looking for a summer knitting project to get ready for winter, then Ali is ya gal on Etsy and Ravelry.



May – Delphie of Delphie Joy

Another one of our special mama-to-mama posts, Delphie talks us through finding joy in the relentlessness of motherhood. Through the long days and nights Delphie has inspo for creativity and spark. Definitely a must read for everyone, and if you need creative mentoring or inspiration, Delphie is here for you!



June – Melissa of DigiScrapHQ

Let’s face it, we all have approximately eleventy billion photos on our phones, and Mel is an expert organiser, and ideas queen when it comes to digital overwhelm and photos. Her guest blog post is brimming with ideas of ways to enjoy your photos more, and is so, so helpful! Mel has digital scrapbooking courses and more on her DigiScrapHQ website.



July – uh, me again…

A little life happened to our July guest blogger and so I jumped in at the last minute with an absolutely epic blog post on homeschooling. You’re defo gonna want a cuppa and a bikkie for this one, as it’s long but it’s because I did a Q+A on my insta and received like 20 questions! I also made a day-in-the-life reel on my insta to go with it.


August – Rene of NKD Lab

Sustainability is a hot topic and Rene gave us a tonne of ideas for how to introduce and ‘do’ sustainability with kids. Think projects and activities for kiddos of all ages; get stuck into it! Perfect for the school holidays! Rene is currently having her second babe but you can find her via her website.



September – Alice of Alice Heydon Events

Sometimes, we gotta have kiddos at adulty events that are, let’s be real, just a bit boring. Alice gives us a slew of suggestions for helping keep kiddos entertained at weddings – her thing –  but they can translate across different events. If you’re looking for an event stylist, tell Alice I sent you!



October – Hayley of Haven By Hayley

One of a few subjects close to my heart, and a real woman-to-woman thing: post-partum support. Hayley explains why it’s so important, provides us with a list of things we can ask for, and all the permission we need to be as selfish as possible during this special time. Check it out, with images of a friends journey, here on the blog. If you’re pregnant in the Esperance area, please look Hayley up for your post-partum needs!



November – Kate of Wild Creative

Our last proper guest blog post for the year, this special human shares her fiery call to nature with us, and shares her ideas and permissions to get in nature with the kids. (Something else I’m really passionate about!). If you’re interested in workshops or courses for the kids (in school holidays, schools, or homeschool!) or empowerment circles for tween girls, Wild Creative  has you covered.


And we’re up to date.

Thanks again for being here. It means more than you know.

Wishing you a wonderful, relaxed festive season. x



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