Hello, August! Around this time, the Noongar season of Djeran begins and it is my favourite. I am so looking forward to Spring Minis coming up, and seeing all flowers (weeds and all!) pop out. Bring it!


This month our beautiful guest blogger Rene of  NKD LAB (mama of 1 with 1 on the way) is right on time with some fresh tips and ideas for increasing sustainability in your home, with the kiddos too. Brimming with activities, common sense suggestions, and local ideas, this is the perfect recipe for a fun and sustainable spring with your babes.

If you’re looking for healthier, low waste product swaps, check out her online store. Follow Rene on Instagram and Facebook for more!




Creating a Sustainable Home for Your Family: 4 Eco-Friendly Tips


Creating a sustainable home for your growing family goes beyond just reducing your carbon footprint. It’s about instilling eco-conscious values in your children and nurturing a love for the planet. In our latest blog post, we explore four effective ways to make your home more sustainable, tailored specifically for families with young kids. From energy-efficient solutions to fostering a love for renewable energy, practicing creative recycling, and making water conservation fun, these strategies will not only benefit the environment but also empower your children to be responsible stewards of our planet. Join us on this journey towards a greener future for your family and generations to come.



As concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability continue to grow, families with young kids are increasingly looking for ways to make a positive impact in their everyday lives. By implementing sustainable practices at home, parents can create an environmentally friendly living space that promotes a greener future for their children. In this blog post, we will explore four effective ways to make your home more sustainable, specifically tailored for families with young kids. These strategies not only benefit the environment but also contribute to energy efficiency, cost savings, and the well-being of your growing family. Let’s dive in!



Embrace Energy-Efficient Solutions 

When it comes to sustainability, involving your kids in energy-saving practices can be both educational and fun.

  • Start by replacing traditional incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs throughout your home.
  • Engage your children in the process, teaching them the importance of conserving energy and turning off lights when not in use.
  • Consider installing smart power strips that automatically shut off power to electronics when they are not in use. This not only reduces energy waste but also helps protect your little ones from potential hazards.

What’s Watt has a great list of ideas here to engage your little one in energy conservation like timed games and shower songs.




Foster a Love for Nature and Renewable Energy

Inspire your kids to care for the planet by harnessing the power of renewable energy. Explore educational resources and books that teach them about solar and wind energy like:

  • Try making smores in a solar oven (everyone wins when science is yum!) or a pinwheel to harness the power of their breath.
  • For older kiddos, print out of a few these activities by Golden Plains Wind Farm.
  • Consider installing solar panels or even a wind turbine (if you have the space!), allowing your children to witness firsthand how clean energy is generated.

You could also:

Engaging them in these experiences helps develop their understanding of sustainable living and instills a sense of responsibility towards the environment.


From spring minis a few years ago. The best way to for kids to love nature is to get them out in it. For school age kids, Cat highly recommends programs by Educated by Nature and Wild Creative Australia. They also both run wonderful school and daycare incursions.



Practice Creative Recycling and Repurposing

Encourage your kids to become eco-conscious by involving them in recycling and repurposing activities.

  • Set up a recycling station in your home, complete with labeled bins for paper, plastic, glass, and metal. Teach your children what can be recycled and how to properly sort recyclables. Read more about recycling and see my product suggestions here.
  • Engage their creativity by repurposing household items into craft projects or organizing toy storage. Check out these Trash to Treasure crafting ideas if you need some inspo for the kiddos.
  • Check out REmida for workshops and resources for big projects (and suggest them to your child’s school for sustainability excursions and incursions) or take a visit to your local tip shop to see just how much is thrown away that could be repaired.

By fostering a culture of recycling, repurposing and repairing, you instill in them the value of reducing waste and conserving resources.


It might be helpful to know that some conventional produce is sprayed with a product to stop them sprouting (to increase shelf life), so it might be best to go organic for regrowing activities.



Water Conservation Made Fun

Conserving water can be an enjoyable family endeavor. Teach your kids about the importance of water conservation through interactive activities.

  • Install water-saving devices like low-flow faucets and showerheads, and explain how these fixtures help save water without compromising functionality. (youtube can help you!). If you can install a water tank, even better!
  • Involve your children in collecting rainwater for gardening and show them how it benefits plants while reducing the need for additional water sources.
  • Engage them in fun challenges, such as timed toothbrushing, to encourage them to turn off the tap while brushing. Check out Water Use It Wisely for more.
  • Family baths (and showers) are a great way to save water too and kids love it! How many people can you fit in your bath?!

These activities not only conserve water but also instill lifelong habits of responsible water usage.


Just Cat taking any opportunity to share babes in baths!


Creating a sustainable home for your family is a journey that not only benefits the environment but also provides valuable life lessons for your children. By embracing energy efficiency, fostering a love for renewable energy, practicing creative recycling, and making water conservation fun, you empower your kids to be environmentally conscious from an early age. These sustainable habits and values will continue to shape their choices and contribute to a greener future. Let’s embark on this journey together, nurturing our children’s love for the planet and ensuring a sustainable home for generations to come.

René Fassom (she/her), Founder of NKD LAB. 

At NKD LAB, we believe in the power of conscious consumerism and its ability to create a greener and more sustainable future. Our mission is to provide practical tips, advice, and recommendations on sustainable living while supporting brands and products that share our commitment to the environment and our well-being.

Pronounced ‘naked lab’, NKD LAB lives by our unique formula:

Preservation + Conservation + Holistic Wellbeing = A Wholesome Life

The NKD LAB formula highlights the interconnectedness and importance of these three elements in creating a fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle.

Follow on Instagram and Facebook for more!






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