Well, hello there! And thanks for being here, even if you are just my family and friends, lol! Hi Mum! I’m very excited to finally have a great website and be able to blog about sessions.

Thank you to my friends who have laboured over image choices and content, and Delphie @See Creative who has sorted this all out for me! It’s so hard to choose just one photo to share from a session when posting on social media, so I am really looking forward to posting in this space.

To start with I thought I’d share a little more about me… because my best friend said I had to. I argued and lost. Which is fine, I’ll get her back in a later blog post with something really embarrassing 😉 . I started learning about photography in high school on FILM, believe it or not! While film is making a small comeback, you can’t beat the convenience of digital. I took a LONG time to switch from film to digital in my 20s (about 10 years ago now), and initially I was really put off by the digital imagery coming out when digital went mainstream.

I actually stopped doing photography even as a hobby for a few years when the transition happened. But sure enough I picked up the (digital) camera again officially 4 years ago and I haven’t looked back. I’ve worked for other photographers and businesses, but I’ve been operating as LightHeart officially for a year now and I have to say I love it. I’m a homeschooling mama to two ferals, both homebirthed, who are 4 and 7 years old now, and just the light in my heart.

I teach on Fridays at a local school. I realise that is a super weird dichotomy on its own, let alone doing 50+ photography sessions a year as well. I don’t know how to explain that, except to say I’ve taught, nannied and worked in childcare all over the world, including on a cruise ship, so I’ve always had a varied career, and I think I am easily bored and distracted…. So that’s where my kids get it from! 😉

Here’s a fun little photo shoot we did in my bedroom a few weeks ago with my trusty remote. I have a whole blog post coming up about why capturing in mum and dads bed is one of my favourite things. Stay tuned!