Before I say anything at all, if you’re not all caught up on this post here, then go check that out first for aaaalllll the context!

So at 5 days old we did newborn photos for Baby Parker, my newest favourite bebe ever! My nephew was born in the water at home on March 10, weighing a perfect 3.5kg, measuring 54cm long. Mama Lisa had chosen a list of fairly unisex names and we were fairly sure Parker was a girl but lo and behold, he was not, haha! Parker John is an absolute joy and when I haven’t seen him for a few days I’m a very sad Aunty indeed. He is now 6 weeks old and perfection… and changed so much since this first photo shoot, I feel another one coming on!



A herbal bath is the perfect way to welcome a bebe and give mama a special little experience in those early hazy days of new motherhood where sometimes you don’t know if you’re coming or going. It’s extra special when it’s Bebe’s first ever bath, as it was for Parker!



For those playing along at home… we were pretty into the black & white handstand window photo so we created one with Parker as well and we’re planning a third in this series when he’s a bit bigger!



Aaaand finally, as an extra special gift for those who got aaallll the way down here, here are my personal small people, Chloe aged 7 and JJ aged 10, with my new favourite nephew (with apologies to all my other nephews of which there are several, 8 to be precise lolz!). And, yes my son JJ is especially enraptured with Parker and they both adore him beyond belief.



THE END. Except it’s not, because Parker spam will be regularly incoming around here, lol.


Look forward to capturing your family story soon xxx

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